Kakao i Connect Message::BizMessage(ENG)::Appendix. Layout Guide and Message Specs

페이지 이동경로

Guide by Message Type

This guide describes General Button and Direct Link Button that can be applied to Alim Talk and Friend Talk. For details of making and inspecting, refer to Alim Talk/Friend Talk in Kakao Business.

Button Guide

While sending Alim Talk and Friend Talk, it is available to add General Button or Direct Link Button. The difference between General Button and Direct Link Button is location and feature. General Button is located in the text bubble, and Direct Link Button shows at the bottom of the text bubble.

General Button and Direct Link Button
General Button Direct Link Button
• Delivery Tracking
• App / Web Link
• Bot Keyword
• Send Message
• Switching to Counseling Talk
• Switching to Bot
• Biz plugin Service
• App / Web Link
• Bot Keyword
• Switching to Counseling Talk
• Switching to Bot

General Button and Direct Link Button 그림General Button and Direct Link Button

General Button

If you want to add a button to Alim Talk, you must follow the guide below.

Button Type

The following is button type, up to 5 buttons can be sent.

General Button Type
Button  Property Type Required Description
WL url_mobile text Y Web URL for each PC device to be moved when the button is clicked
url_pc text N Web URL for each mobile device to be moved when the button is clicked
AL scheme_android text - Application custom scheme to be executed when app link button is clicked in Android mobile device
scheme_ios text - Application custom scheme to be executed when app link button is clicked in iOS mobile device
url_mobile text - URL to go to when a button is clicked in a mobile device
url_pc text N URL to go to when a button is clicked on a PC
DS - - - To go to the delivery inquiry page when a button is  clicked
BK - - - To send the text of the button
MD - - - To send both the text and message body of the button 
BC - - - Only KakaoTalk channels using Counseling Talk service are available.
chat_extra text N Meta-information to be delivered when switching to Counseling Talk
BT - - - Only Kakao Talk channels using Kakao I Open Builder's chatbot are available.
chat_extra text N Meta-information to be delivered when switching bots
chat_event text N The name of the bot event to connect when switching bots
AC - - - To add a channel (available only when a template message type is ad-added type or complex type)
P1 plugin_id text Y Plugin ID for image secure transmission
relay_id text - Value to be received through X-Kakao-Plugin-Relay-Id header when a plug-in is executed
P2 plugin_id text Y ID of a Plug-in  for using personal information
relay_id text - Value to be received through X-Kakao-Plugin-Relay-Id header when a plug-in is executed
P3 plugin_id text Y One-click payment plugin ID
relay_id text - Value to be received through X-Kakao-Plugin-Relay-Id header when a plug-in is executed
oneclick_id text - Payment information used by the one-click payment plugin
product_id text - Payment information used by the one-click payment plugin
When using AL button, two of scheme_android, scheme_ios, url_mobile is required.

Input Data

The following is data to be entered in the button column.

코드예제General Button Column Data Type

ex 1)
 {"type": "BK","name": "I would like to receive it at home!"}

ex 2)
  {"type": "WL”,"name": "web link”, “url_mobile”: “www.kakao.com”, “url_pc”: “www.kakao.com” }

ex 3)
  {"type": "AL”,"name": "app link”, “scheme_android”: “scheme://open”, “scheme_ios”:
  “scheme://open” }

ex 4)
  {"type":"P2","name":"personal information","plugin_id":"5fe04466fe30e013b9d9600a"}

General Button Column Data Type
Key Type Required Description
type text(2) Y Button Type 
- For details, refer to Button Type
- Up to 2 characters
name text(28) Y Button title
scheme_android text - Application custom scheme to be executed when a button is clicked in the Android mobile
scheme_ios text - Application custom scheme to be executed when a button is clicked in the iOS mobile
url_mobile text - URL to go to when button is clicked in mobile device
url_pc text - URL to go to when button is clicked in PC
chat_extra text(50) - Meta-information to be delivered when switching to Counseling Talk/Bot
chat_event text(50) - The name of the bot event to connect when switching bots
plugin_id text(24) - Plugin ID
relay_id text - Value to be received through X-Kakao-Plugin-Relay-Id header when a plug-in is executed
oneclick_id text - Payment information used by the one-click payment plugin
product_id text - Payment information used by the one-click payment plugin

Direct Link Button is a function that allows the user to select and deliver text or invoke other actions, such as web/app connection, without directly entering the utterance text. Direct Link can be used up to 10 per template, and the number of buttons is limited to 2.

The following is Direct Link button type that can be used in Alim Talk. Up to 10 buttons can be registered and sent in one template. However, if you send with Direct Link, buttons you can use is limited to a maximum of 2.

Direct Link Button Type
Button Property Type Required Description
WL url_mobile text Y Web URL to go to when Direct link button is clicked in mobile
url_pc text N Web URL to go to when Direct link button is clicked in PC
AL scheme_android text - Application custom scheme to be executed when Direct link button is clicked in Android mobile
scheme_ios text - Application custom scheme to be executed when Direct link button is clicked in iOS mobile
url_mobile text - URL to go when Direct link button is clicked in mobile device
url_pc text N URL to go when Direct link button is clicked in PC
BK - - - To send the text of the Direct link button
MD - - - To send both the text and message body of the Direct link button
BC - - - Switching to Counseling Talk
- Only KakaoTalk channels using Counseling Talk service are available.
BT - - - Switching to Bot
- Only Kakao Talk channels using Kakao I Open Builder's chatbot are available.
When using AL button, two of scheme_android, scheme_ios, url_mobile is required.

Input Data

The following is data to be entered in the button column.

코드예제Direct Link Button Column Data Type

ex 1)
 {"type":"WL","name": "direct link","url_mobile":"https://kakao.com"}

ex 2)
 {"type": "WL”,"name": "web link”, “url_mobile”: “www.kakao.com”, “url_pc”: “www.kakao.com” }

ex 3)
 {"type": "AL”,"name": "app link”, “scheme_android”: “scheme://open”, “scheme_ios”:
 “scheme://open” }

단체 메시지 API 리스트
Key Type Required Description
name text(28) Y Button title
type text(2) Y Button type
- For details, refer to Button Type
scheme_android text - Application custom scheme to be executed when a button is clicked in the Android mobile
scheme_ios text - Application custom scheme to be executed when a button is clicked in the iOS mobile
url_mobile text - URL to go to when button is clicked in mobile device
url_pc text - URL to go to when button is clicked in PC
chat_extra text(50) - Meta-information to be delivered when switching to Counseling Talk/Bot
chat_event text(50) - The name of the bot event to connect when switching bots
In the case of AlimTalk, AlimTalk will not be sent if there is content and button information that does not match the approved template.

Emphasized Title Guide

Available in the template of which the Emphasis Type is set as Text-Emphasized type.

  • Enter a title in the EMPHASIZE_TITLE column of the K_MESSAGE table. The value entered in EMPHASIZE_TITLE is shown in the Title of the image below.

Emphasized title 그림Emphasized title

Sending Text-Emphasized Type Message

코드예제Sending Text-Emphasized Type Message

'[Kakao Music] Thanks to Join
Dear, welcome to Kakao Music.

▶ Membership Subscription Benefits
1 Month Free Streaming
Free Kakao Talk emoticons',

'KX',                            # For details of message type, see the Table Specification.
'99999999999',  	               # Recipient’s number needs to be changed.
'99999999999',                   # Sender’s number needs to be changed.
'S',                             # Sending Type  : S – Real time,   M –  Batch
NOW(),                           # If future time is input, the message will be sent later.
'alimtalktest_001',              # Template code
AT,                            # Basic Template(Basic, Text Emphasized Type and Item List Type) - AT,   Image Template - AI
Input a Title to emphasize,    #  To be emphasized from the message body
NOW ()

Image Alim Talk Guide

Image Alim Talk is an information-only message. Therefore, advertising messages cannot be sent, and advertisement content cannot be included in images. Only one fixed image per template can be used. And you must follow the image creation guide.

  • It cannot be used at the same time as the Text-emphasized type. and it is exposed only in KakaoTalk version 8.7.5 (both Android and iOS) or higher.
Images that can be included in Alim Talk are limited to images representing the sender or the sender’s Talk channel profile or images expressing the purpose of the message. Content that is not relevant to the main message or that must be conveyed cannot be included.

Common Guide

Only one static image can be used per template. Link cannot be linked when clicking an image.

Fixed Image
Category Description
Image limitation Cannot be uploaded if it’s not aspect ratio 2:1 and if if the width is less than 500px, the height is less than 250px
File volume Max. 500KB
Size 800×400px
File format JPG, PNG

Logo image

A type that can increase the attention of the message and strengthen branding by using the horizontal logo of the channel.

Logo image
Category Description
Image background only #F9F9F9 available
Image placement Logo to be placed within the center guidelines

Logo image 그림Logo image

Text-blended Image

A type that expresses the main content in text and uses an icon or object image to support the content.

Text-blended Image
Category Description
Image background only #F9F9F9 available
Image placement Insert main content text in the upper left corner, and an icon or object in the lower right corner
Text line Recommended up to 2 lines / 20 characters

Text-blended image 그림Text-blended image

Icon image

A type that expresses the status of the message content(such as Shipping, Delivered) as an icon and supports it with a brief text.

Icon image
Category Description
Image background only #F9F9F9 available
Image placement Place icons and text within the center guidelines
Text line Max. 1 line / Expose text with a minimum of 2 characters and a maximum of 9 characters.

Icon image 그림Icon image

Sending Image Alim Talk

코드예제Sending Image Alim Talk

'[Kakao Music] Thanks to Join
Dear, welcome to Kakao Music.

▶ Membership Subscription Benefits
1 Month Free Streaming
Free Kakao Talk emoticons',
'KX',                          # For details of message type, see the Table Specification.
'99999999999',                 # Recipient’s number needs to be changed.
'99999999999',                 # Sender’s number needs to be changed.
'S',                           # Sending Type  : S - Real time,   M –  Batch
NOW(),                         # If future time is input, the message will be sent later.
'alimtalktest_001',            # Template code
AI,                          # Basic Template((Basic, Text-emphasized Type and Item List Type)) - AT,   Image Template - AI
NOW ()

Item List Guide

Item List is used to send an information message whose message is structured.

Item List is used to send an information message which must be delivered to the recipient. Therefore, advertising messages cannot be sent, and advertisement content cannot be included both in images and structured body message. Images that can be included in the Item List are limited to images representing the sender or the sender’s Talk channel profile or images expressing the purpose of the message. Images cannot contain content that is not relevant to the main text or that must be conveyed.

Only one fixed image per template can be used, and the image creation guide must be followed.


  • Item List cannot be used with the Text-emphasized type at the same time, and it is only exposed in KakaoTalk version 9.3.5 (Android, iOS common) or higher.
  • It cannot be set as a security template.

List of items

List of items
Category Description
Number of items from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 10
Item name Up to 6 characters
- Cannot be used with variables
Item summary information Only numbers, currency symbols, currency units, and some special symbols (,, .) can be entered
- List items are right-aligned (See the Example 4 and 5 images)
Description Up to 23 characters. A maximum of 14 characters can be entered per line, and if it exceeds 2 lines, text ellipsis will be applied.
- Variables can be used
  • Up to 16 characters can be entered.
  • Possible to input variables.

How to enter the text and description for Item Highlight Type

Item Highlight Type
Element If there is no thumbnail If there is thumbnail
Text Up to 30 characters (2 lines)
- 15 characters per line
Up to 21 characters (2 lines)
- 10 characters per line
- If it exceeds 2 lines, it is shortened.
Description Up to 19 characters (1 line) Up to 13 characters (1 line)
- When more than 1 line is exceeded, text ellipsis will be applied

Thumbnail image of Item List Highlight type

AlimTalk text or an image associated with an item highlight area (ex. icon, item image)

  • Images that can be used for AlimTalk Item List Highlight Thumbnails follow the existing image guide
Thumbnail image
Category Description
Size Width over 108px, aspect ratio 1:1
File format and size jpg, png
- max. 500KB

Image of Item List type

Category Description
Recommended size 800px*400px
File format and size jpg, png
- max. 500KB
limited image If the aspect ratio is not 2:1, upload is not possible if the width is less than 500px and the height is 250px or less.

List of item 그림List of item

Sending Item List

코드예제Sending item list

'[Kakao Music] Thanks to Join
Dear, welcome to Kakao Music.

▶ Membership Subscription Benefits
1 Month Free Streaming
Free Kakao Talk emoticons',
'KX',                                 # For details of message type, see the Table Specification.
'99999999999',  	                    # Recipient’s number needs to be changed.
'99999999999',                        # Sender’s number needs to be changed.
'S',                                  # Sending Type  : S - Real time,   M –  Batch
NOW(),                                # If future time is input, the message will be sent later.
'alimtalktest_001',                   # Template code
AT,                                 # Basic Template((Basic, Text-emphasized Type and Item List Type)) - AT,   Image Template - AI
'The header of Item List.',
'{"title": "Highlight", "description": "Description"}',
'{"list": [{"title": "Item List", "description": " Item List 1"},{"title": " Item List", "description": " Item List 2"}], "summary": {"title": "Summary", "description": "4,500 Won"}}',
NOW ()

Specifications by message type

The following is detailed specifications for each Bizmessage type.

Alim Talk

Alim Talk
Category Type Description
Alim Talk AT Alim Talk service
- English/Korean: 1000 characters
AI Image Alim Talk service
- English/Korean: 1000 characters

Friend Talk

Friend Talk
Category Type Description
Friend Talk FT Text Friend Talk service
- English/Korean: 1000 characters
FI General image Friend Talk service
- English/Korean: 1000 characters
- Image file format: JPG, JPEG
- Size: width over 500px, aspect ratio more than 2:1 less than 3:4
- Image volume: max. 500KB
FW Wide image Friend Talk service
- English/Korean: 1000 characters
- Image file format: JPG, JPEG
- Size: width 800px, length 600px
- Image volume: max. 2MB


The following is detailed specification for each XMS type.

XMS Type
Category Type Description
XMS SMS Short Message Service
- English: 90 characters (with spaces)
- Korean: 45 characters (with spaces)
LMS Long Message Service
- English: 2000 characters (with spaces)
- Korean: 1000 characters (with spaces)
MMS LMS(Long Message Service) with image, it means multi message
- English: 2000 characters (with spaces)
- Korean: 2000 characters (with spaces)
- Image format: JPG, JPEG
- Image volume: max. 1MB
ISM International Short Message
- English: 90 characters (with spaces)
- Korean: 45 characters (with spaces)
ILM International long Message
- English: 2000 characters (with spaces)
- Korean: 1000 characters (with spaces)


In order to send RCS service, a brand must be signed up for the RCS Biz Center and tasks such as opening a brand, registering a template shoud be done in advance. For detail of using RCS Biz Center, refer to RCS Biz Center Service Guide.

RCS Service Type

RCS type can be selected by needed service.

RCS Service Type
Category Type Description
RCSSMS General Short-text messaging service
- Korean: max. 1000 characters
RCSLMS General Long-term messaging service
- Korean: max. 1300 characters
RCSMMS Vertical Messaging service with an image
- max. 1300 characters and image 1MD
Slid(Carousel) A messaging service that sends multiple images as a card
RCSTMPL Narrative A service that sends a message with a pre-registered template type
- Within 90 characters
Styled A service that sends a message with prer-registered cell type template
- Fixed part + variable part within 90 characters

RCS Templates Detail

The following is detailed specification for each RCS template.

RCS Templates Detail
Category RCS common template RCS narrative template RCS style template
Characters Within 90 characters Within 90 characters Fixed part + variable part within 90 characters
Template Instant delivery without registration Use after registering the template in advance Use after registering the template in advance
Title Fixed as ‘Alim’ Editable Editable
Action button not supported Support up to 2 Support up to 2
Style Not provided Not provided Provide font size, thickness, color, alignment, etc.
Usage Send urgent short message Send regular informational notifications Send regular informational notifications

RCS Button

Various services can be linked through the button action at the bottom of the RCS message. To Check sample Code of Action button, refer to Action Button.

RCS Button
RCS button Number of buttons
RCSSMS Up to 1
RCSLMS Up to 3
RCSMMS Up to 2 per one card

Action Button

List of Common RCS Templates

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