Kakao i Connect Message::BizMessage(ENG)::BizMessage API::API Reference::Naver TalkTalk

페이지 이동경로

Naver TalkTalk

You can use this API to send Naver TalkTalk messages to users based on phone number.
NT_FM or NT_TM type can be selected as needed, but the message that users receive is the same for both types.

Naver TalkTalk service type
Type Category Description
NT_FM Sending message A method of attaching the entire body including the template variable to be replaced
NT_TM Sending message A method of attaching only template variables to be replaced without attaching the entire body


  • Before calling every BizMessage API, you must call OAuth 2.0 API in advance.
  • Please refer to the Sample Code document for API-specific codes.
As the staging server is linked to the Kakao operation server and actually sends messages, please be careful to avoid sending messages incorrectly.

Sending Naver TalkTalk

This API is used to send Naver TalkTalk.


Request Syntax

코드예제Request Syntax of Sending Naver TalkTalk

curl -X POST "https://{base_url}/v2/send/naver" \
-H "accept: */*" \
-H "authorization: Bearer {oauthToken}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
    "cid": "202210181700001",
    "message_type": "NT_TM",
    "sender_key": "30cnYS1WSFqnIlMSQ4j4",
    "user_name": "David",
    "sender_no": "0316001021",
    "phone_number": "821000000000",
    "template_params": {
        "name": "David",
        "mobile": "010-0000-0000"
    "template_code": "NT-202210010000001",
    "fall_back_yn": false,
    "fall_back_message_type" : "SM",
    "fall_back_title": "titme of alternative message",
    "fall_back_message": "alternative message"

API Method
Method URL
POST https://{base_url}/v2/send/naver
코드예제Path Parameter of Sending Naver TalkTalk
Parameter Type Required Class Category Description
base_url String Y Operating General bizmsg-web.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com
Staging General stg-user.bizmsg.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance stg-bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock stg-bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution stg-bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com

Request Header

코드예제Request Header of Sending Naver TalkTalk
Parameter Type Required Description
accept String Y */*
authorization String Y Bearer {oauthToken}
- {oauthToken}: Access token acquired by OAuth 2.0 API
Content-Type String Y application/json

Request Elements

코드예제Request Elements of Sending Naver TalkTalk
Parameter Type Required Description
cid String Y Defined Key ID by corporate customer
message_type String Y Message type
NT_FM: to send the entire body including the Naver TalkTalk template variable
NT_TM: to send only template variables
phone_number String Y Mobile number of recipient (including country code (82))
- text(16)
message String N Attach the body including template variable
- NT_FM type: template_params or message only available
sender_key String Y Sender's profile key
user_name String N User name
template_params Map N Template variable to be replaced
- NT_TM tpye: template_params or message only available
template_code String Y Naver TalkTalk template code
- text(30)
client_id String N Customer ID
sender_no String Y Sender(Corporate customer) number
- Used for alternative sending, random value available when not in use
- text(16)
group_key String N Group key of Naver TalkTalk
attachments Map N Template button, images, coupon etc. to attach
- Refer to attachments data sample
biz_no String N Identification code of the original sender (For reselling purpose)
department_cd String N Department Code
- Used as Rule-mapping information while multi-channel alternative sending
fall_back_yn Boolean Y Whether to send alternative message
true: send an alternative message
false(default): not to send an alternative message
fall_back_message_type String N Message type of alternative message
- text(2)
fall_back_title String N Title of alternative message
- 60 Byte
fall_back_message String N Main text of alternative message
- text(2000)
tax_cd1 String N Settlement Code 1
- Variables defined by the customer for settlement
- text(50)
tax_cd2 String N Settlement Code 2
- Variables defined by the customer for settlement
- text(50)

Attachments data Sample


Response Syntax

코드예제Response Syntax of Sending Naver TalkTalk

  "code": "200",
  "result": {
    "detail_code": "0000",
    "detail_message": "The message has been successfully sent to the user via the app and web."
  "uid": "221207021748962tny0fmfLSS6ewZI",
  "cid": "221207000000001"

Response Elements

코드예제Response Elements of Sending Naver TalkTalk
Field Type Required Description
code String N Message delivery result code
100: In processing
200: Success
400: Authorization error
410: Invalid input value
420: File/image error
500: Internal system error/td>
510: Failed to send
520: Failed but can be resent
Result N Detailed result(For reference)
detail_code String N Detailed result code(For reference)
detail_message String N Detailed result message(For reference)
uid String N Message key ID
cid String N Defined Key ID by customer
Naver TalkTalk only provides a Push method to receive the delivery result.
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