Kakao i Connect Message::BizMessage(ENG)::BizMessage Agent::Sending Naver Talk Talk

페이지 이동경로

Naver Talk Talk Service

To use the NAVER Talk Talk service, you must create a channel through NAVER Partner Center in advance and register a message template.

You can choose a Naver Talk type according to the service you need, and the message received by the recipient is the same for both types.

Group Message API List
Type Category Description
NT_FM Send a message A method of attaching the entire body including template variables to be replaced.
NT_TM Send a message A method of attaching only template variables to be replaced without attaching the entire body.
Currently, dk techin handles the registration of templates required for Naver Talk message sending. Please contact your representative and inquire about the channel information and the data required for template registration to proceed with the relevant procedures.

Sending Naver Talk Talk

Code examples are provided to send messages through the NAVER Talk Talk service.

For the data entered into each table, please refer to the Table Specification document.

Sending Naver Talk Talk(NT_FM)

NAVER TALK TALK(NT_FM) is a service that attaches the entire text including template variables to be replaced.

코드예제Sending Sending Naver Talk Talk(NT_FM)

            '2022111800006',     # Message KEY :: Automatic numbering when undefined
            'NT_FM',             # Message type
            'NT-20221117174151', # Template code
            'Hello, Gildong Hong. Thank you for using Kakao i Connect Biz Message. We will call you on 01000000000.', # Attach only variables(JSON) to be substituted
            'Gildong Hong',      # Recipient Name
            'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX',    # Sending channel key (issued after contract)
            '821000000000',      # Recipient number (required format including country code)
            '',                  # Attach ATTACHMENT (Attach according to the template format)
            0,                   # Whether to proceed with alternative sending
            'Alternate Sending body',       # Alternate Sending body
            '0000-0000',         # Sender’s number needs to be changed.
            'Alternate Sending title',       # Alternate Sending title
            'SM'                 # Alternate Sending type (SM, LM)

Sending Naver Talk Talk(NT_TM)

Naver Talk Talk (NT_TM) is a service that does not attach the entire body, but only the template variables to be replaced.

코드예제Sending Naver Talk Talk(NT_TM)

         '202209110000000',    # Message KEY :: Automatic numbering when undefined
         'NT_TM',              # Message type
         'NT-XXXXXXXXX',       # Template code
         '{"Name": "Gildong Hong", "Phone number": "01000000000"}',     # Attach only variables(JSON) to be substituted
         'Gildong Hong',       # Recipient Name
         'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',    # Sending channel key (issued after contract)
         '821000000000',       # Recipient number (required format including country code)
         '',                   # Attach ATTACHMENT (Attach according to the template format)
         0,                    # Whether to proceed with alternative sending
         'Alternate Sending body',        # Alternate Sending body
         '0000-0000',          # Sender’s number needs to be changed.
         'Alternate Sending title',        # Alternate Sending title
         'SM'                  # Alternate Sending type (SM, LM)

Naver Talk Talk Result Code

The result code for sending Naver Talk Talk is as follows.

Naver Talk Talk Result Code
Category Code Code Description
Result Code (Naver) 0000 The message has been successfully sent to the user on the app and web.
0001 The message was sent to the user on the web, but the app delivery failed.
1001 AgentKey or PartnerKey is missing.
1002 There is a problem with the request body of the Send API.
1003 At least one parameter is required, either a phone number or an access token.
1004 The phone number pattern is invalid.
1005 You must have a partner key or sending group key.
2001 The template is missing required parameters.
2002 Template ID does not exist.
2003 The parameters required by the template do not match.
2004 The number of buttons required by the template does not match the number of buttons requested.
2005 The parameters required by the template do not match. Please check the button code.
2006 The message parameter does not match the registered template.
2007 Unapproved templates cannot be shipped. Check template approval status.
2008 An error occurred while comparing registered templates and message parameters.
It is almost the same situation as the 2006 response code, but there is a discrepancy due to special characters.
2009 This template has been blocked by the administrator. Please contact us for details.
2010 The sample image used in the template is not registered. Please register a sample image.
2011 You must use the partner key or template group key corresponding to the image hash ID.
2101 Template request that does not match the template group ID stored in the template. Please check the template settings.
2102 Invalid template group key. Please check the group key.
2103 The request does not exist in the partner list of the template group.
2104 Check the template group key corresponding to the image hash ID.
3001 The partner corresponding to the agent key is not mapped.
3002 The user with the phone number does not exist.
3003 The mapped partner does not exist.
3004 A message key that already exists.
3005 There are different users corresponding to the phone number.
3006 The shipping partner account status is unhealthy.
4001 The user is not in a state to receive informational notifications.
4002 The user has blocked receiving smart notifications.
4003 User blocked partner account.
9051 An error in the message system prevented sending informational notifications.
9999 The message was not sent for an unknown reason.
Result Code (Agent Common) AG_110 Full text creation error
AGT_111 Encryption key generation error
AGT_112 Compression error
AGT_113 File Encryption Error
AGT_130 Failed to send message request (Fail)
AGT_140 No image file
AGT_150 Invalid SEND_TYPE
AGT_160 Message Type Not Allowed
ex) If there is no LMS delivery contract and MSG_TYPE is KM or XM.
AGT_170 Blacklisted recipients
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