Kakao i Connect Message::BizMessage(ENG)::BizMessage API::API Reference::OAuth 2.0

페이지 이동경로

OAuth 2.0 API

To use BizMessage APIs, OAuth 2.0 API authentication must be implemented beforehand. When making OAuth 2.0 requests, the basic client information(Client ID and Client Secret) issued at the time of the contract must be passed through the Aauthorization header.


  • Prior to making any calls to the BizMessage API, it is necessary to first call the OAuth 2.0 Authentication API.
  • For code samples of API-specific functions, please refer to Sample Code.
The staging server is linked to Kakao’s operation server, and actual messages are sent. Therefore, please be careful not to send messages incorrectly.


Request Syntax

코드예제Request Syntax of OAuth 2.0 Authentication

curl -X POST "https://{base_url}/v2/oauth/token" \
        -H  "accept: */*" \
        -H  "Authorization: Basic {clientID} {clientSecret}" \
        -H  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
        -d  "grant_type=client_credentials"

API Method
Method URL
POST https://{base_url}/v2/oauth/token
코드예제Path Parameter of OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Parameter Type Required Class Category Description
base_url String Y Operating General bizmsg-web.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com
Staging General stg-user.bizmsg.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance stg-bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock stg-bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution stg-bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com

Request Header

코드예제Request Header of OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Parameter Type Required Description
accept MIME Y */*
Authorization String Y Basic client information
- {clientId}: Client ID issued upon contract
- {clientSecret}: Client Secret issued upon contract
Content-Type String Y application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- Indicates the data type currently being transmitted

Request Elements

코드예제Request Elements of OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Property Type Required Description
grant_type String Y OAuth 2.0 Authentication
- client_credentials


Response Syntax

코드예제Response Syntax of OAuth 2.0 Authentication

  "code": "200",
  "result": {
    "detail_code": "NRM00000",
    "detail_message": "success"
  "access_token": "example-token",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 863999

Response Elements

코드예제Response Elements of OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Field Type Required Description
code String Y Message delivery result code
200(OK): Success
201(Created): Token created
401(Unauthorized): Invalid authentification permission
403(Forbidden): The request has been refused.
404(Not Found): The requested resource(pages) couldn’t be found.
Object Y Result detaisl(For reference)
detail_code String Y Result code details(For reference)
detail_message String Y Result message details(For reference)
access_token String Y Access token
- URL to acquire token: /v2/oauth/token
token_type String Y Token type
- bearer
expires_in Integer Y Token validity priod(unit: sec.)
- int32
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