Kakao i Connect Message::BizMessage(ENG)::BizMessage API::API Reference::Alim Talk

페이지 이동경로

About Alim Talk

Alim Talk is a service that enables corporate clients to send informative KakaoTalk messages to users, including those who have not connected as friends on KakaoTalk channels.

The messages that can be sent through Alimtalk are limited to certain informative messages that are deemed appropriate for the service from a user protection standpoint among the exceptions to advertising information according to the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) guidelines related to the Information and Communication Network Act. This includes informational content such as order/reservation confirmation, payment details, and delivery status that are sent immediately according to the customer’s actions. Informational messages do not include newsletters for subscribers, congratulations on membership, announcements, and so on.

Sending spam messages through Alim Talk can result in the suspension of both Alim Talk and KakaoTalk channels, as well as fines. For more information on informational messages, please visit the KISA Illegal Spam Response Center. For a detailed explanation, please refer to the KISA Information and Communications Network Act Guidelines for Prevention of Illegal Spam (5th Edition).


As the staging server is linked to the Kakao operation server and actually sends messages, please be careful to avoid sending messages incorrectly.

Sending Alim Talk Only

If you have signed a contract to send AlimTalk using the PUSH method, you can send AlimTalk using The following API and immediately check the result as a response.


Request Syntax

코드예제Request Syntax of Sending Alim Talk Only

curl -X POST "https://{base_url}/v2/send/kakao" \
-H  "accept: */*" \
-H  "authorization: Bearer {access_token}" \
-H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d  '{
         "message_type": "AT",
         "sender_key": "{senderKey}",
         "cid": "202210181600001",
         "template_code": "TEMPLATE_001",
         "phone_number": "01012341234",
         "sender_no": "021112222",
         "message": "Alim talk message",
         "fall_back_yn": false

API Method
Method URL
POST https://{base_url}/v2/send/kakao
코드예제Path Parameter of Sending Alim Talk Only
Parameter Type Required Class Category Description
base_url String Y Operating General bizmsg-web.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com
Staging General stg-user.bizmsg.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance stg-bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock stg-bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution stg-bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com

Request Header

코드예제Request Header of Sending Alim Talk Only
Parameter Type Required Description
accept MIME Y */*
authorization String Y Bearer {oauthToken}
- {oauthToken}: Access token acquired by OAuth 2.0 API
Content-Type String Y application/json

Request Elements

코드예제Request Elements of Sending Alim Talk Only
Property Type Required Description
message_type String Y Alim Talk Message Type
- Fixed to AT
- text(2)
sender_key String Y Sender profile key
- issued when opening channel at Biz site
- text(40)
cid String Y Defined Key ID by corporate customer
- Message serial number
template_code String Y The template code registered as the actual message type to be sent
- text(30)
phone_number String Y Mobile number of recipient (including country code (82))
- text(16)
sender_no String Y Sender(Corporate customer) number
- text(16)
message String Y Kakao message to be sent to the recipient
- text(1000)
client_id String N Customer ID
- issued upon contract
price Integer N Price/amount/payment included in message (to be sent to a user)
currency_type String N Currency unit of the price/amount/payment amount included in the message (to be sent to a user)
- KRW, USD, EUR etc.
title String N Key information to be highlighted in template content
- text(50)
header String N Subject to display at the top of the message
- text(16)
timeout Integer N Time to determine success in polling transmission
Array N List of button
chat_event String N The name of the bot event to be connected when switching bots
chat_extra String N Meta-information to be delivered when switching Counseling Talk/Bot
name String Y Button title
scheme_android String N Application custom scheme to be executed when a button is clicked on Android mobile device
scheme_ios String N Application custom scheme to be executed when a button is clicked on iOS mobile device
type String Y Button type
url_mobile String N URL to go to when a button is clicked in a mobile environment
url_pc String N URL to go to when a button is clicked on a PC
Array N List of quick reply
chat_event String N The name of the bot event to be connected when switching bots
chat_extra String N Meta-information to be delivered when switching Counseling Talk/Bot
name String Y Button title
scheme_android String N Application custom scheme to be executed when a button is clicked on Android mobile device
scheme_ios String N Application custom scheme to be executed when a button is clicked on iOS mobile device
type String Y Button type
- Please refer to Guide by Message Type
url_mobile String N URL to go to when a button is clicked in a mobile environment
url_pc String N URL to go to when a button is clicked on a PC
biz_no String N Identification code of the original sender
fall_back_yn Boolean Y Whether to send alternative messages
true: to use
false(default): Not to use
fall_back_message_type String N Message type of alternative message
- text(2)
fall_back_title String N Title of an alternative message
fall_back_message String N Texts to be included in alternative message
- text(2000)
Item N List of items and summary
Array Y List of items
title String Y Title
- text(6)
description String Y Description
- text(23)
Object N Summary of item information
title String Y Title
- text(6)
description String Y Pricing
- Only currency unit(Unicode currency code, 元, 円, Won)
- Allow up to 2 decimal places
- text(14)
Object N Item to highlight
title String Y Title
- Up to 21 characters if there is an image
- text(30)
description String Y Additional info
- Up to 13 characters if there is an image
- text(19)
tax_cd1 String N Settlement Code 1
- Variables defined by the customer for settlement
- text(50)
tax_cd2 String N Settlement Code 2
- Variables defined by the customer for settlement
- text(50)


If you have contracted to send Alim Talk using the Push method, please refer to the following sample code. If you have contracted for sending AlimTalk using the Polling method, however, you need to manually request the delivery result of AlimTalk and close the request upon completion. For more information, please refer to Retreiving Alim Talk Delivery Result(Polling).

Response Syntax

코드예제Response Syntax of Sending Alim Talk Only

  "code": "200",
  "uid": "",
  "cid": "",
  "result": {
    "detail_code": "NRM0000",
    "detail_message": "Success"

Response Elements

코드예제Response Elements of Sending Alim Talk Only
Field Type Required Description
code String Y Message delivery result code
100: In processing
200: Success
400: Authorization error
410: Invalid input value
420: File/image error
500: Internal system error
510: Failed to send/td>
520: Failed but can be resent
uid String Y Message key ID
cid String Y Defined Key ID by customer
Object Y Detailed result(For reference)
detail_code String Y Detailed result code(For reference)
detail_message String Y Detailed result message(For reference)
Please refer to the Sample Code document for API-specific codes.

Retreiving Alim Talk Delivery Result(Polling)

If you send Alim Talk using the Polling method, you need to call The following API to check its delivery result.

If you use the Polling method according to the contract or send SMS/LMS as an alternative message, you can get the message delivery results up to 1000 through this API.


Request Syntax

코드예제Request Syntax of Retreiving Alim Talk Delivery Result(Polling)

curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://{base_url}/v2/info/message/results' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {oauthToken}'

API method
Method URL
GET https://{base_url}/v2/info/message/results
코드예제Path Parameter of Retreiving Alim Talk Delivery Result(Polling)
Parameter Type Required Class Category Description
base_url String Y Operating General bizmsg-web.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com
Staging General stg-user.bizmsg.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance stg-bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock stg-bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution stg-bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com

Request Header

코드예제Request Header of Retreiving Alim Talk Delivery Result(Polling)
Parameter Type Required Description
accept String Y */*
Authorization String Y Bearer {oauthToken}
- {oauthToken}: Access token acquired by OAuth 2.0 API


Response Syntax

코드예제Response Syntax of Retreiving Alim Talk Delivery Result(Polling)

  "code": "200",
  "code_detail": {
    "detail_code": "NRM00000",
    "detail_message": "Success"
  "report_group_no": "8493608862033069978",
  "results": [
      "seq_no": 266931826,
      "client_id": "",
      "uid": "220918080309405KFXrvK8CR9e+k8s",
      "cid": "77613652af2d464580796c41cf0d39a3",
      "status_code": "API_200",
      "sms_status_code": "-100",
      "ended_yn": "Y",
      "ended_date": "2022-09-18T08:04:04",
      "message_type": "SM"

Response Elements

코드예제Response Elements of Retreiving Alim Talk Delivery Result(Polling)
Field Type Required Description
code String N Message delivery result code
100: In processing
200: Success
400: Authorization error
410: Invalid input value
420: File/image error
500: Internal system error
510: Failed to send/td>
520: Failed but can be resent
Object N Code detail
detail_code String N Detailed code
detail_message String N Detailed message
report_group_no String N Unique number of message result group
Array N List of message result
seq_no Integer Y Serial number of message result
uid String N Message key ID
cid String N Key ID defined by customer
status_code String N Message status code
- For details, refer to API Message Status Code.
kko_status_code String N Processing result code from KakaoTalk
sms_status_code String N SMS sending result code
ended_yn String N Whether the message result was received
Y: received
N: unreceived
ended_date String N Date of message result reception

Closing Alim Talk Delivery Result Retrieval Request (Polling)

This API is used to close the request of retrieving the delivery result of Alim Talk.


Request Syntax

코드예제Request Syntax of Closing Alim Talk Delivery Result Retrieval Request(Polling)

curl -X 'PUT' \
  'https://{base_url}/v2/info/message/results/complete/{report_group_no}' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {oauthToken}'

API Method
Method URL
PUT https://{base_url}/v2/info/message/results/complete/{report_group_no}
코드예제Path Parameters of Closing Alim Talk Delivery Result Retrieval Request(Polling)
Parameter Type Required Class Category Description
base_url String Y Operating General bizmsg-web.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Staging General stg-user.bizmsg.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance stg-bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock stg-bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
report_group_no String Y Unique number of message result group

Request Header

코드예제Request Header of Closing Alim Talk Delivery Result Retrieval Request(Polling)
Parameter Type Required Description
accept String Y */*
Authorization String Y Bearer {oauthToken}
- {oauthToken}: Access token acquired by OAuth 2.0 API


Response Syntax

코드예제Response Syntax of Closing Alim Talk Delivery Result Retrieval Request(Polling)

  "code": "200",
  "code_detail": {
    "detail_code": "NRM00000",
    "detail_message": "Success"

Response Elements

코드예제Response Elements of Closing Alim Talk Delivery Result Retrieval Request(Polling)
Field Type Required Description
code String N Message delivery result code
100: In processing
200: Success
400: Authorization error
410: Invalid input value
420: File/image error
500: Internal system error
510: Failed to send
520: Failed but can be resent
Object N Message status code
detail_code String N Detailed code
detail_message String N Detailed message

Retrieving Alim Talk Delivery List

The API for retrieving the Alim Talk Delivery list is as follows.


Request Syntax

코드예제Request Syntax of Retrieving Alim Talk Delivery List

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://{base_url}/v2/info/message/search' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {oauthToken}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "start_date": "2022-10-18",
        "end_date": "2022-10-18",
        "size": 1000

API Method
Method URL
POST https://{base_url}/v2/info/message/search

Path Parameter

코드예제Path Parameter of Retrieving Alim Talk Delivery List
Parameter Type Required Class Category Description
base_url String Y Operating General bizmsg-web.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com
Staging General stg-user.bizmsg.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance stg-bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock stg-bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Public institution stg-bizmsg-gov.kakaoenterprise.com

Request Header

코드예제Request Header of Retrieving Alim Talk Delivery List
Parameter Type Required Description
accept String Y */*
Authorization String Y Bearer {oauthToken}
- {oauthToken}: Access token acquired by OAuth 2.0 API
Content-Type String Y application/json

Request Elements

코드예제Request Elements of Retrieving Alim Talk Delivery List
Property Type Required Description
start_date String N Search start date
- Format: yyyy-mm-dd(date)
- End date should be filled with start date.
- If no input is provided, it will retrieve data for the same day.
end_date String N Search end date
- Format: yyyy-mm-dd(date)
- Start date should be filled with end date.
- If no input is provided, it will retrieve data for the same day.
client_id String N ID of the sender
size Integer N List per page
- Max. 1000
- int32
last_uid String N The last Message key ID of the viewed page list.
- Required when viewing the next page
etc1 String N Parameter 1 defined by customer
- text(50)
etc2 String N Parameter 2 defined by customer
- text(50)
status_code String N Message status code
- For details, refer to API Message Status Code


Response Syntax

코드예제Response Syntax of Retrieving Alim Talk Delivery List

  "status": "200",
  "code": "200",
  "count": 4,
  "next": false,
  "code_detail": {
    "detail_code": "NRM00000",
    "detail_message": "success"
  "results": [
      "uid": "221018080314511j7usTgzgQDOXvIk",
      "reg_date": "2022-10-18T08:03:15",
      "status_code": "API_200",
      "kko_status_code": "0000",
      "cid": "11329b64174a4738b049e2a74e93c5c1"

Response Elements

코드예제Response Elements of Retrieving Alim Talk Delivery List
Field Type Required Description
status String N Message delivery result code
100: In processing
200: Success
400: Authorization error
410: Invalid input value
420: File/image error
500: Internal system error
510: Failed to send/td>
520: Failed but can be resent
code String N Status code
count Integer N Number of lists when retrieving result
- int64
next Boolean N Whether there is the next page when retrieving the page
last_uid String N The last Key ID of the retrieved page list.
Object N Detailed message status code
detail_code String N Detailed code
detail_message String N Status message
Array N Retrieved list
uid String N Message key ID
cid String N Key ID defined by customer
reg_date String N Message registered date
status_code String N Message status code
- For details, refer to API Message Status Code.
kko_status_code String N Processing result code sent from KakaoTalk
sms_status_code String N SMS status code
error_message String N Error message (upon error)
tax_cd1 String N Settlement code1
- Variable defined by customer for settlement
- text(50)
tax_cd2 String N Settlement code 2
- Variable defined by customer for settlement
- text(50)
etc1 String N Customer value 1
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)
etc2 String N Customer value 2
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)
etc3 String N Customer value 3
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)
etc4 String N Customer value 4
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)
etc5 String N Customer value 5
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)
etc6 String N Customer value 6
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)
etc7 String N Customer value 7
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)
etc8 String N Customer value 8
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)
etc9 String N Customer value 9
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)
etc10 String N Customer value 10
- Variable defined by customer
- text(50)

Retreiving Detailed Alim Talk Delivery List

This API is used to retrieve detailed delivery information of Alim Talk.


Request Syntax

코드예제Request Syntax of Retreiving Detailed Alim Talk Delivery List

curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://{base_url}/v2/info/message/search/detail/{uid}' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {oauthToken}'

API Method
Method URL
GET https://{base_url}/v2/info/message/search/detail/{uid}
코드예제Path Parameter of Retreiving Detailed Alim Talk Delivery List
Parameter Type Required Class Category Description
base_url String Y Operating General bizmsg-web.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
Staging General stg-user.bizmsg.kakaoenterprise.com
Finance stg-bizmsg-bank.kakaoenterprise.com
Stock stg-bizmsg-stock.kakaoenterprise.com
uid String Y Message key ID
- ex.21018173501346cxU7zEswSYSsTmS

Request Header

코드예제Request Header of Retreiving Detailed Alim Talk Delivery List
Parameter Type Required Description
accept String Y */*
Authorization String Y Bearer {oauthToken}
- {oauthToken}: Access token acquired by OAuth 2.0 API


Response Syntax

코드예제Response Syntax of Retreiving Detailed Alim Talk Delivery List

  "code": "200",
  "code_detail": {
    "detail_code": "NRM00000",
    "detail_message": "success"
  "result": {
    "uid": "221018080314511j7usTgzgQDOXvIk",
    "reg_date": "2022-10-18T08:03:15",
    "message_type": "AT",
    "status_code": "API_200",
    "phone_number": "01000000000",
    "template_code": "test_kep_template_005",
    "req_date": "2022-10-18T08:03:14",
    "req_sms_yn": "N",
    "kko_status_code": "0000",
    "message": "test message",
    "cid": "11329b64174a4738b049e2a74e93c5c1"

Response Elements

코드예제Response Elements of Retreiving Detailed Alim Talk Delivery List
Field Type Required Description
code String N Message delivery result code
100: In processing
200: Success
400: Authorization error
410: Invalid input value
420: File/image error
500: Internal system error
510: Failed to send/td>
520: Failed but can be resent
- N Detailed message status code
detail_code String N Detailed code
detail_message String N Status message
- N Detailed delivery results of a single message
uid String N Message key ID
reg_date String N Message registered date
message_type String N Mesage type
AT: Alim Talk
AI: Alim Talk image
FT: Friend Talk
FI: Friend Talk image
FW: Friend Talk wide image
ISM: International SMS
status_code String N Message status code
- For details, refer to API Message Status Code.
phone_number String N Mobile number of recipient (including country code (82))
template_code String N The template code registered as the actual message type to be sent
- text(30)
req_date String N Request date(value present when result exists)(date)
error_message String N Error Message
req_sms_yn String N Whether SMS is requested
req_sms_date String N SMS request date(date-time)
sender_no String N Sender(Corporate customer) number
- text(16)
sms_type String N Alternative message type
kko_status_code String N Processing result code from KakaoTalk
sms_status_code String N SMS status code
message String N Alim Talk message to send
- text(1000)
sms_message String N SMS message to be sent
- text(4000)
title String N Title of LMS, MMS
- text(60)
cid String N Defined Key ID by corporate customer
kko_title String N Highlighted information in template contents
- text(50)
nat_cd String N Country code for international message transmission
content_group_id String N MMS file group ID(Required when sending MMS)
header String N Title to display at the top of the message

Alim Talk Messaging Code

Please refer to Messaging Code of Alim Talk.

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