Kakao i Connect Message::BizMessage(ENG)::BizMessage API::API Reference

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BizMessage API

This document is written based on the Bizmessage API 2.0. For the user guide of version 1.0, refer to Alim Talk/Friend Talk Integration Guide(v.1.0).

OAuth 2.0

To use BizMessage APIs, OAuth 2.0 API authentication must be implemented beforehand. When making OAuth 2.0 requests, the basic client information(Client ID and Client Secret) issued at the time of the contract must be passed through the Aauthorization header. For details, refer to OAuth 2.0 API document.

Alim Talk API

Alim Talk is a service that enables corporate clients to send informative KakaoTalk messages to users, including those who do not have any friends with the KakaoTalk channel. Depending on the contract, AlimTalk can be sent via either Push or Polling method. For details, refer to Alim Talk API document.

Friend Talk API

Friend Talk is a service that sends “information/advertisement” messages to KakaoTalk users. Unlike AlimTalk, it can only send messages to users who have been added as KakaoTalk friends. Friend Talk is sent using phone number information, but it is not sent to all registered phone numbers. Instead, it is sent only to users who have added the KakaoTalk channel. For details, refer to Friend Talk API document.


SMS, LMS, SMS, ISM(International SMS), ILM(International LMS) can be sent by XMS API. For details, refer to XMS API document.


RCS service is an integrated messenger standard developed by Global System for Mobile Communications Association(GSMA), and provides various services such as group chatting, content sharing, brand creation, etc. You can use this API to Sending RCS Messages to users based on their phone numbers. For details, refer to RCS API document.

You can use this API to send Naver TalkTalk messages to users based on phone number. It consists of two types, NT_FM and NT_TM, and the message received by the recipient is the same for both types. For details, refer to Naver TalkTalk API document.

Mutli-Channel Alternative Messages

Multi-channel alternative message is a service to send alternative messages through various channels, unlike the existing alternative message that only supported SMS and LMS. Multi-channel alternative message is rule-based, and you must set the order of alternative message types on the web. For details, refer to Mutli-Channel Alternative Messages API document.

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